Projects / Work
- Node.js
CIPCIP is Classical Inheritance at its best. It provides an easy to work with API for performing classical inheritance in Javascript. It features a powerfull and flexible extend()
method that allows custom constructors and argument stubbing which enables to pass stubbed arguments to the parent constructor. CIP is a foundational building block.
- Node.js
- Promises/A+
MiddlewarifyMiddlewarify will apply the middleware pattern to your Objects. It will enable you to attach middleware using the typical use()
method or use before() / after()
hooks. Middlewarify uses the Promises/A+ spec for resolution and handling asynchronicity.
- Node.js
- redis
KansasKansas is a usage limited API controller. It will consumer API Units based on a token for the resources you have chosen. If the usage limit is reached with the given period (one month) all further calls will be rejected. Kansas was built on Redis and there's an express module (kansas-express) that will enable fast integration with your services.
Kansas Express
- Node.js
- Express.js
Kansas ExpressKansas-express is the Kansas Express module that exposes a RESTfull API for managing tokens and consuming your API resources.
- Node.js
- redis
Kickqis a Job Queuing system for Node.js built on top of Redis. It features reliable and fast handling of Jobs, delayed execution and an option for the Job Creator to get notified on the spot if the Job completes.
- Node.js
- AWS S3
- Grunt
Assetflowis an asset deployment tool ala Rails Asset Pipeline. It supports md5 hash comparison with S3 and enables you to create powerful asset flows easily and fast. It is a Grunt task and applies solid cache-busting techniques transparently.
- Javascript
- Closure Library
- Grunt
Mantriis a Dependency Management System for medium to large web applications. It wraps around and exposes the powerfull Google Closure Tools, the same tools used by most of Google's web assets.
- CSS3
- Docpad
closureplease.comis a community based resource for the Closure Library. It's purpose is to lower the barrier to entry for Google's Closure Library and provide a complete list of resources, articles and presentations about CL.
Generator Closure
- Yeoman
Generator Closurecreates a fully working Closure Library project in seconds. A setup that required days to build can now be available using a shell command. Built on top of Yeoman's Generator System yo.
- Javascript
- node.js
- Closure Library
Superstartupis a work in progress. It offers a modular frontend solution by providing the essential services and tools every startup needs, user authentication, metrics and social tools.
Grunt Closure Tools
- Javascript
- Grunt
- node.js
- Closure Library
Grunt Closure Toolsfor Grunt is a superset of the tools provided by the Google Closure Library. The powerful compiler, the builder and the dependency writer.
- Javascript
- node.js
- Closure Library
Server to JSsend arbitrary data objects from the server to the client on page load time, synchronously.
- sublime2
- python
autoDocBlockris a plugin for the Sublime2 editor, it will insert Document Blocks automatically. It is triggered seamlessly as you move your cursor through a function...
Closure Helpers
- Javascript
- Closure Library
closure-helpersis a set of helping functions for Closure Library projects.
Closure Compiler
- Closure Library
- Java
Superstartup Closure Compileris a rigged compiler that strips all debug logging messages from the final output. It is available through NPM so it can easily be integrated in any project that requires it.
Closure Structs
- Javascript
- Closure Library
Closure Structsis an extension of the struct libraries that Closure Library provides. They add some syntactic sugar and emit events whenever a value changes.